Kindergarten Courses – K2 Science, The Growing Frogs

Kindergarten Courses – K2 Science, The Growing Frogs

Activity goal Activity preparation Preparing the audio “Frog’s Scream” Preparing for the video “Little Frog Looking for Mom” Prepare a simple rhythm game Activity procedure 01 Import Today, the teacher invited an animal friend, let’s listen to its nice voice first! (Play the audio “Frog’s Call”) Everyone guessed it quickly, yes, it is the littleRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K2 Science, The Growing Frogs[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K2 Science, Find Animals By Sound

Kindergarten Courses – K2 Science, Find Animals By Sound

Activity goal Understand the living habits of common animals; Activity procedure 1 Know the animals ★A lot of new friends came to class with us today, do you want to know who they are? Then invite them out! ★(The teacher opens the large-screen course application and guides the children to observe) ★Do the children knowRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K2 Science, Find Animals By Sound[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Social, Helping Chickens To Catch Insects

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Social, Helping Chickens To Catch Insects

Activity goal Activity procedure 1 Observe the screen and introduce the scene. ➤Introduction: After the mother hen gave birth to the eggs, she hatched the eggs for several hours every day. After 21 days, a chick pecked open the egg shell and got out, and then many chicks were gradually born. The newborn baby chicksRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K1 Social, Helping Chickens To Catch Insects[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Social, Going To The Kindergarten

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Social, Going To The Kindergarten

Activity goal Can say the name of the kindergarten; I like to go to school and get along well with my classmates. Observation and discussion Introduction: Children, do you know the name of our kindergarten? (Guided answer: The name of our kindergarten is XX Kindergarten) Today the teacher brings you a story about a cuteRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K1 Social, Going To The Kindergarten[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Language, No Holding

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Language, No Holding

Activity goal Activity preparation proficient song; Arrange simple grooves and games for songs; Proficiency in desk operation, proficiency in token functions, such as: the use of the grand piano. Activity procedure ① Story Dear children, today the teacher brought you a story. One day, 3-year-old Taotao went grocery shopping with his mother. After her motherRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K1 Language, No Holding[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Language, Jingle Bells

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Language, Jingle Bells

Activity goal Activity procedure ➔The teacher clicks on the ringtone, let the children listen to it, and ask: What is this sound? (ring) ➔Children, guess what bell is ringing? (alarm clock, telephone, bicycle, doorbell, small bell) ➔The bell is ringing, what is it telling us? The alarm clock is beeping, calling the children to getRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K1 Language, Jingle Bells[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Science, Feeding Rabbit

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Science, Feeding Rabbit

Activity goal Activity procedure ★Guess riddles to stimulate interest in knowing the bunny. Puzzle: red eyes, white clothes, short tail, long ears. (Hit an animal) Answer: Bunny Puzzle: It has long ears and eats vegetables, jumping and jumping is so cute. (hit an animal) Answer: Bunny ★Guide children to follow and read riddles. ★The teacherRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K1 Science, Feeding Rabbit[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Health, Doctor Diddi

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Health, Doctor Diddi

With interesting stories and on-site experience, children are interested and active in learning. Activity goal ➤ Perceive and understand the content of the story. ➤Know that you should go to the doctor when you are sick and be a brave child. ➤ Through observation, discussion, orally express the performance of the characters in the story.Read more about Kindergarten Courses – K1 Health, Doctor Diddi[…]



活动目标 1.欣赏四季景色中的美; 2.学习使用绘画工具,初步掌握蜡笔水粉画的绘画方法; 3.培养幼儿自主发挥、大胆表现的绘画兴趣。 活动准备 1.记号笔、蜡笔、水粉颜料; 2.绘画纸。 活动过程 1.认识四季 ★小树宝宝有四个家,在大自然中。每个家有不同的颜色,也都有一个名字。我们现在就来参观小树宝宝的家。请小朋友们在参观的时候,记一下小树宝宝每个家的名字。 ★(打开大屏课程应用,介绍画面中的春、夏、秋、冬图片)看,这就是小树宝宝的家。小朋友们最喜欢它的哪一个家呢? ★(图片“春”)你们喜欢小树宝宝这个家吗?这个家是什么颜色的,家里有什么?(绿色) 这个家的名字叫做“春”,春天的小树宝宝是浅绿色的,长出了新芽。 ★(图片“夏”)你们喜欢小树宝宝这个家吗?它是什么颜色的?(绿色) 这个家的名字叫做“夏”,夏天小树宝宝的叶子是深绿色的、很茂盛,可以遮挡太阳、人们可以在树下乘凉。 ★(图片“秋”)有没有小朋友喜欢小树宝宝这个家?这个家是什么样的?(黄色的) 这个家的名字叫做“秋”,秋天小树宝宝的叶子渐渐变成黄色,很好看,并且开始落下来。 ★(图片“冬”)小树宝宝还有一个家,你们猜猜是哪个?你们都猜对了,就是这个天空飘着雪花的,这个家的名字叫做“冬”,冬天小树宝宝的叶子都落下来了,显得很干净。 ★有谁还记得小树宝宝四个家的名字?谁来说一下? 小树宝宝四个家的名字是有顺序的,春、夏、秋、冬,它们合起来有一个共同的名字,叫做“四季”。谁记住了这个名字? 2.小树宝宝排排队 (打开米逗课桌,幼儿分组游戏) ★接下来小树宝宝要回家了。请每组的小朋友们一起合作,按每个家的特点、颜色,共同将小树宝宝送回家。 3.画小树宝宝 ★先用记号笔勾画线条,再用蜡笔涂色,最后用水粉涂上底色。 ★教师讲解绘画步骤,着重线条、形状、构图、色彩。 ★步骤参考:   总 结   (邀请小朋友展示作品,也学习欣赏他人作品。) ★小树宝宝四个家的名字,就是一年中的四个季节,春季、夏季、秋季、冬季,合起来叫四季。季节是用来记录时间的。 ★小朋友们最喜欢哪个季节?为什么? 本课程适用的其它活动—— 手工剪纸参考: 剪贴画步骤参考: 如有兴趣了解更多,请联系我们 视动科技(珠海)有限公司 珠海市横琴·澳门青年创业谷18栋三楼 Tel:0756-6969319 Email: Website: 欢迎关注我们微信公众号:视动科技订阅号
