Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Find Animals

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Find Animals

Activity goal Activity procedure The animals are playing a guessing game. The first pair are the shadows of two animals, one large and one small. The big one has a long nose, two fan-like ears, and legs like four small pillars; the small one has two erect ears, short front legs and long back legs,Read more about Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Find Animals[…]

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Find Hidden Animals

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Find Hidden Animals

Activity goal Activity procedure There are many precious animals in the safari park, such as crocodiles, elephants, and giraffes. One day, the animals collectively escaped from their habitat. The crocodile fled to the woods, but it was not used to life here at all; the giraffe fled to the stream, but it had no leavesRead more about Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Find Hidden Animals[…]

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Sharing Animal Knowledge

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Sharing Animal Knowledge

Activity goal Activity procedure 01 Scene introduction ➤The Animal Kingdom is going to hold a portrait competition, you can ask people to help, but the entries must be the images of the animals themselves. As long as you are rated as excellent, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. For this reason, the animalsRead more about Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Sharing Animal Knowledge[…]

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Animal Sizes

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Animal Sizes

Activity goal Activity procedure 01 Story introduction ➤The weather is so nice, and the animals are having a race to see who is the biggest. ➤Look, the flies are singing and flying around; the crab is holding a pair of big pincers; the rabbit is taking a carrot and jumping to the scene; the oldRead more about Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Animal Sizes[…]

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Animal Categories

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Animal Categories

Activity goal Activity procedure 01 Story introduction Today the teacher is going to tell you a story, please think about what small animals appear in the story while listening to the children? Are they the same class? This story is called “Little Zebra’s New Journey”. The little zebra has never seen animals other than itsRead more about Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Animal Categories[…]

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Food Chain

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Food Chain

Activity goal Activity procedure On a spring morning, the sun was shining brightly, and a food war was going on in the seemingly peaceful fields. A small aphid is lying on the rice stalk, sucking the juice of the rice stalk contentedly. A ladybug was crawling over without a sound, and the ladybug ate theRead more about Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Food Chain[…]

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Human Life

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Human Life

Activity goal Activity procedure ➤The little girl Miaomiao was criticized by her father for not doing her homework on Saturday morning because she was playful. After Miao Miao finished her homework very seriously in the afternoon, it was not time for meal, so she asked her mother who was busy in the kitchen to watchRead more about Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Human Life[…]

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Understanding Internal Organs

Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Understanding Internal Organs

Activity goal Activity procedure 01 Story import There is a giant general who is in particularly good health. The organs in his body are all in harmony with each other, which makes him able to eat and drink, and has great strength. He often wins battles because the enemies are afraid of him. But theRead more about Kindergarten Courses – General Courses – Biologics, Understanding Internal Organs[…]

幼儿生物探索教案 | 动物找家(认识各地区珍稀动物)

幼儿生物探索教案 | 动物找家(认识各地区珍稀动物)

活动目标 1.初步认识各地区具代表性的动物; 2.通过游戏认识动物名称,找到动物所在地区; 3.激发热爱大自然,保护动物的情感。 活动重难点 重点:认识各地区具代表性的动物。 难点:通过游戏,认识动物名称,找到动物所在地区。 活动准备 经验准备:幼儿已认识数字1-38。 活动过程 情景导入 小动物迷路了 一群小动物结伴出游,有大象、孔雀、老虎、大熊猫、金丝猴……它们经过沙漠,跨过平原,翻过高山,来到小河边,一路上玩得可高兴了。可是,当它们要回家的时候,却发现已经离家很远,找不到回家的路了,这可怎么办呢?小朋友愿意帮帮它们吗? 会说话的地图 小动物的家在哪里呢? 出现在我们眼前的中国地图上有很多黄色的小圆圈,每个圆圈都代表一个地区,就是小动物的家,各个地区之间用不同的颜色做了区分。点点小圆圈,听听这是什么地区。跟着读一读。 有河北省、山西省、辽宁省、吉林省、黑龙江省、江苏省、浙江省、安徽省、福建省、江西省、山东省、河南省、湖北省、湖南省、广东省、海南省、四川省、贵州省、云南省、陕西省、甘肃省、青海省、台湾省,一共23个省。还有5个自治区分别是内蒙古自治区、广西壮族自治区、西藏自治区、宁夏回族自治区、新疆维吾尔自治区。4个直辖市,有北京市、天津市、上海市、重庆市。2个特别行政区:香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区。这是我国34个省级行政区名称。 小朋友知道我们所在的地区叫什么名字吗?你能在地图上找到它吗? 当我们点击黄色的小圆圈,如果听见提问,则需要回答。有两类问题:什么动物住在这里?这是什么地区? 认识动物 有哪些小动物在找家呢? 每位小朋友的工具箱里都藏着许多小动物,让我们找出迷路的小动物。 小朋友有没有见过这些动物,知道它们的名字吗?点点小动物,就能听见并看见它的名字。 有麀鹿、牦牛、儒艮、孟加拉虎、小熊猫、大熊猫、鼠兔、孔雀雉、刺猬、川金丝猴、滇金丝猴、东北虎、金钱豹、驴、马、大象、红腹锦鸡、黑熊、紫貂、朱鹮、原鸡、白鳍豚、东方白鹳、卷羽鹈鹕、孔雀、黑麂、杜鹃、中华鲟、云豹、褐马鸡、扬子鳄、骆驼、树蛙、猎隼、黑脸琵鹭、黑颈鹤、丹顶鹤、藏羚羊。 这些都是我国各个地区具有代表性的动物,是珍稀的保护动物。有哪些是小朋友见过的?哪些是第一次见到的?我们仔细观察一下,小动物的身体有什么特征呢? 动物找家游戏 现在我们一起帮助小动物找家。请小组成员共同协作,按动物身上的数字密码,找到它的家,护送小动物回家。课桌有自动检测功能,只有找到正确的家,才能将小动物拖入到这个地区。 总结 通过小朋友的帮助,骆驼回到了沙漠,孔雀在云南孔雀之乡优雅开屏,紫貂回到了吉林长白山……小动物们都非常感谢你们。 我们已经认识了全国各地具有代表性的珍稀动物,小朋友最喜欢什么动物呢? 更多教案,请关注微信公众号【视动科技订阅号】 视动科技(珠海)有限公司 珠海市横琴·澳门青年创业谷18栋三楼 Tel:0756-6969319 Email: Website:
