Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math, Buying Vegetables 1

Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math, Buying Vegetables 1

Activity goal Event preparation Experience preparation: Know the decomposition and composition of numbers within 10. Activity preparation: 5 children in each group. Activity process discuss: Have your children ever bought anything by themselves? What have you bought? Getting in: The teacher wants to invite friends to have dinner at home in the evening. Now IRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math, Buying Vegetables 1[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math, Buying Vegetables 2

Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math, Buying Vegetables 2

Activity goal Event preparation Activity process Hello, dear children! It’s great to see everyone again. The teacher brought my friend, guess where it will appear from? Dong Dong Dong… (Shows hand puppet) Who is it? Does anyone know it? It is a brown bear that likes to hibernate. The teacher secretly tells you that todayRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math, Buying Vegetables 2[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math – Creating Roads

Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math – Creating Roads

Activity goal The “Create “Roads” application on Medo Interactive Desk is suitable for learning the composition, addition and subtraction of numbers in stages. This lesson plan uses the number 9 as an example. Activity process Children, which stretch of road in our city do you think is the most beautiful? Why? Who can share itRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math – Creating Roads[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math – Collecting Leaves

Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math – Collecting Leaves

Activity goal “Picking Up Fallen Leaves” is suitable for learning the decomposition and composition of numbers within 10. This lesson plan takes 10 as an example and sets the activity goals as follows: Activity process Scenario introduction – the story of nesting The birds were looking for a home. They came to the edge ofRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K3 Math – Collecting Leaves[…]

幼儿大班数学教案 | 排放“路灯”

幼儿大班数学教案 | 排放“路灯”

活动目标 (本应用适合学习20以内数的分解与组成、加减运算等数学知识,以下教案以10为例) 1. 学习10以内的加减运算、数的分解和组成; 2. 有基本的空间方位概念,会区分左右,会向左、右方向运动; 3. 按物体多个特征进行分类活动; 4. 喜欢联系生活中的事物学习数学知识。 活动准备 1~10纸质数字卡片活动过程 活动过程 1.情 景 导 入  为新建的公路排放路灯 城市为了方便市民,筹划新建几条通到公园、游乐场、科技馆、图书馆、动物园、海底世界的公路,为了公路能尽快通车,材料员、搅拌司机、杂工、电工、绿化工们忙得不可开交,终于把公路建造得又宽敞又平坦,现在只差路灯了,路灯已经采购好。还需要有人帮忙排放路灯。小朋友们,你们愿意帮忙吗? 2.学 习 运 算 学习10以内的加减运算、数的分解和组成、方位概念(大屏打开米逗课程应用) ★我们一起来到新建公路现场,先来看看,有多少条新建的公路?(6条新公路,正等待着小朋友们排放路灯) ★有多少盏路灯?(6盏) ★老师告诉你们一个秘密,这些路灯是可以无限取用的。(排好10个路灯,配合数字卡片,讲解10以内的加减运算、数的分解和组成) ★(用路灯排放,讲解左右方位,认识向左向右方向运动) 3.排 放 路 灯   (打开米逗课桌,进行分组活动,先选立小组长,讲明组长、组员职责) 排放路灯,可以按多种规则活动。例如: ★规定数量:比如第一次活动规定数量为8,第二次9,第三次10; ★每人选一种颜色、一样大的路灯,排放好以后,在小组里说说自己排放的路灯是什么颜色,左边、右边、中间各多少盏,一共多少; ★每人选一种颜色、不同大小的路灯,排放好以后,在小组里说说自己排放的路灯是什么颜色,大的、小的、左边、右边、中间各多少盏,一共多少; ★每人选两种颜色、不同大小的路灯,排放好以后,在小组里说说自己排放的路灯有什么颜色,每种颜色各多少,大的、小的、左边、右边、中间各多少,一共多少; ★任意选择颜色、大小的路灯,排放好以后,在小组里说说自己排放的路灯有什么颜色,每种颜色各多少盏,大的、小的、左边、右边、中间各多少,一共多少。 (教师巡回指导,最后检查、点评,巩固活动目标。) 总 结 除了排放路灯以外,你还能想到生活中什么场景可以学习数学? 分生日蛋糕:点人数,按人数准备叉子、盘子,装好蛋糕并分配; 步行游戏:从位置走到讲台共多少步?左、右脚各多少? 拍掌游戏:成员自己数数并说出总数,在规定时间内拍掌数量多的为胜。 更多教案,请关注微信公众号【视动科技订阅号】视动科技(珠海)有限公司珠海市横琴·澳门青年创业谷18栋三楼Tel:0756-6969319Email: Sales@stonetouch.cnWebsite:
