Dongguan Golden Seedling Education

On November 7, 2020, 11 teachers from Dongguan Golden Seedling Education participated in the training of “MedoActive Interactive Collaborative Learning Course”. Dr. Lu shared the concept of MedoActive Interactive Collaborative Learning. Mr. Gong explained the use of desks and the powerful tools of desks. Ms Xiao demonstrated the design of children’s activities.

The teachers quickly learned the basic use of the MedoActive interactive desks, realized the convenience brought by the interactive desks to teaching, and experienced the fun of group interactive collaborative learning. After the on-site assessment, all 11 teachers received the certificates of completion of the “MedoActive Interactive Collaborative Learning Course” issued by the company.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us
StoneTouch Tech (Zhuhai) Co. Ltd.
3rd Floor, Building 18, Hengqin Macau Youth Entrepreneurship Valley, Zhuhai
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